QQube Version 10, Build 572 fixes several bugs relating to data not refreshing properly when upgrading, and several job costing data model fixes.
Fix issue where the 36-period profit and loss would not load after an upgrade.
Fix issue involving a bug in the Intuit SDK which might cause the beginning inventory balance to be incorrect. We have determined a way around the bug, as it is a consistent type of error.
Fix issue where estimated taxes were showing as income.
Fix issue where the beginning balance for G/L would not show when extracting from a particular date.
Fix an older issue in the job cost data model where the amounts for inventory sales and COGS were correct, but the split accounts were not showing; there was only one line. Now there are separate lines for income and COGS, where the appropriate accounts for each are listed.
Fix issue where subtotals were incorrectly showing as income in the job cost data model.
Enhancements to the Customer Experience
Certain out-of-the-box PowerPivot examples could take longer than expected when refreshing data. This is normally due to having a great number of jobs, classes, etc in columns. For instance, if you ran a profit and loss by job, and you had a few hundred jobs - without any filters - it would take a long time to refresh the first time.
We have changed certain examples, so that this doesn't become a possibility. We instead post instructions on the sheet to place those fields in columns on a "volunteer" basis - and also allowing you to filter out the number of jobs, or classes, etc. so that it is a more palatable experience. This has nothing to do with QQube - it is just the Power Pivot technology.
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Release Details - February 2, 2023
QQube Version 10, Build 572 fixes several bugs relating to data not refreshing properly when upgrading, and several job costing data model fixes.
Enhancements to the Customer Experience
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