quickbooks online

Posted 5 months ago by Allan Dresner

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Allan Dresner

Hi everyone,

Just wondering if there will be a qb online version?  Not that I am looking forward to moving to a subscription model.. I know it's gonna happen at some point.  Still chugging along with QBE18 atm.  

Thanks everyone, have a great week ahead.


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CLEARIFY TEAM posted 2 days ago Admin

Apologies, thought we had answered this one.

Yes there will be a QBO version, and something we have been working on for several years - and has been on the drawing board for much longer than that.  Part of the problem is data availability - which is far less than what we have in Desktop.

Intuit has just announced that they are working on several items we (and other developers) have been asking for over 8 years, but that still leaves a long list of items that customers will want.  So we continue on our path for this QBO product.

We are simultaneously working on speed improvements in the desktop - because the promise of QBO in the typical QuickBooks Enterprise use cases is still lacking in both scale, and features.

We never rest on our laurels.

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Allan Dresner posted 5 days ago


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