Is there a way to get notified when QQube refresh status...Would save time having to check the tool which ofen times involves using a RDC.
Just asking....
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2 months ago
This has been a long oft request. We just haven't done it because there are so many requirements e.g. windows software components that must be at play for this to work properly. I just didn't want to spend the resources on that.
Having said that, It is needed. I think we will revisit this one this year.
Is there a way to get notified when QQube refresh status...Would save time having to check the tool which ofen times involves using a RDC.
Just asking....
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CLEARIFY TEAM posted 2 months ago Admin
This has been a long oft request. We just haven't done it because there are so many requirements e.g. windows software components that must be at play for this to work properly. I just didn't want to spend the resources on that.
Having said that, It is needed. I think we will revisit this one this year.
0 Votes
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